Martie Soderberg Hired a Hit Man to Kill Her Husband. Updated #216

private Investigator tips

There is something seriously dark about someone who would be willing to end the life of their spouse for money.  In 2016 Martie Soderberg also known as Martie Maxwell, 39 years of age, decided she was unhappy in her marriage and decided she wanted to leave her husband.  But there was a catch.

Soderberg reconnected with a high school friend through social media and then met that friend at a restaurant.  She told her friend that she had been married for 15 years but after one year the relationship turned physically and verbally abusive.

She told the friend that she wanted to leave her husband but couldn’t afford to do it without payments from her husband’s $300,000 life insurance policy.

She told her friend that she wanted to shoot her husband because he was a big guy and wanted to make sure he would die (according to court documents).

Soderberg had two plans to kill her husband.  She wanted her friend to either kill her husband on Halloween while trick or treating with their children or have him killed while at work so she could also collect benefits from the Washington Department of Labor and Industries.

Soderberg’s friend was homeless at the time of the meeting.  Soderberg offered her friend a place to stay with a man in another town until her friend killed her husband.   She paid a man $200 to house her friend.

Martie Soderberg’s Friend Does The Right Thing

Soderberg’s friend reported the conversation to the police and agreed to wear a wire on future meetings with Soderberg.  

During future meetings, Soderberg described how to dispose of the weapon and the best times for killing her husband so she would have an alibi.

She later gave $50 to her friend to buy a gun to carry out the killing.  Shortly after that exchange, Soderberg was arrested.

Martie Soderberg’s History With Her Husband

Apparently, court records show that Soderberg filed a protection order against her husband in 2005.  She claimed her husband hit her, threw her to the floor and threatened to knock her teeth out. She also claimed her husband threatened to call the police on her to have her daughter taken away.  Her petition was denied because the court commissioner found she was not in immediate danger.

Shortly thereafter her husband filed for a protection order against his wife claiming physical and verbal abuse.  This was later denied after he admitted he was lying and just trying to get back at his wife.

Recent News Regarding Soderberg

While this originally took place in 2016 Soderberg will now face trial on the charge of First-Degree Solicitation to Commit Murder.  She could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted.

Soderberg also faces many other charges unrelated to the plot to kill her husband. These other charges include welfare fraud, insurance fraud, and arson.  Police believe she hired another friend to burn down trailer in 2013 to collect on $75,000. She will have to answer to those charges in May of 2018.

Final Thoughts on Martie Soderberg

One of the things that stood out to me is this woman’s character after reading additional charges had been filed against her.

Though I don’t know all the details of the insurance fraud charges, I would have to imagine that they have plenty of evidence if they have brought charges against her. And if these charges are proven, then this would further show the type of person Soderberg is.

Why does this matter?  This, in my mind, could potentially discredit her allegations against her husband in 2005 in regards abuse.  I would also have to imagine that her marriage was a very dysfunctional marriage in general if her husband was willing to file a false complaint against his wife just to get back at her.  I personally would take every complaint of abuse seriously, but even the court found that she was in no danger when she filed for a protection order.

One other thing that really stood out to me was her plans included her husband being killed in front of their children on Halloween.  Having her husband killed is bad enough, why traumatize the kids? What kind of person would want such a thing? Would you even want that type of person walking around in society?  What else is she capable of?

I have my personal thoughts on this but what are yours? Comment below and tell me what you think.



UPDATE TO THIS STORY – Martie M. Soderberg

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Martie M. Soderberg was convicted of first-degree murder and solicitation of murder for recruiting a man to kill her husband.  

She will be held in jail until her sentencing on May 11, 2018.

Even more, charges were revealed since sharing this several days ago.  Those charges apparently include perjury, witness tampering, and theft.  Those charges are still pending.


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